Master's in Digital Learning

Program Overview

Transform your learning journey with the Digital Learning Master’s Program at Muhlenberg College, where we are dedicated to empowering learners to craft ethical and compassionate digital learning environments. Our program goes beyond traditional education, seamlessly blending theory and hands-on experience to ensure you're ready for the dynamic landscape of digital education.

Embark on a master’s degree that not only delves into the intricacies of digital learning theory but also provides extensive practical applications. Through ten intensive eight-week courses and a culminating capstone project, you'll gain a profound understanding of digital learning.

For those seeking a quicker path, our graduate certificate offers a streamlined route. The courses completed in the certificate program can be seamlessly transferred towards your master’s degree, allowing you to customize your learning journey.

With our strong roots in the liberal arts, Muhlenberg can offer a distinct program that prepares students both with experiences that develop critical technology skills and practices and a deep understanding of how to engage digital technologies to promote equity, inclusion and agency in support of humanized learning.

Admission Requirements 

Prospective students must have completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited institution. Students admitted to a graduate program will have the following:

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Two years of work experience or, if a senior or recent graduate, professional work experiences through internships, summer work, externships and projects may be sufficient
  • Additional admissions requirements - follow the College's graduate admissions policy

Program Structure

  • Duration
    The program consists of ten courses, each running for eight weeks. Students can anticipate completing the program in 24 months.

  • Learning Modality
    Both the certificate and master’s-level programs are fully online, combining synchronous and asynchronous instructional and learning activities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Apply digital learning theory, pedagogy, and social justice principles to design and develop digital learning programs and practices that encourage community, collaboration, co-creation, and meaningful interaction among learners.

  • Possess the historical understanding necessary to critically assess emerging issues and trends in educational technology, taking into account the ways technologies have reproduced inequities in educational contexts while exploring digital learning teaching and learning possibilities that center equity, inclusion and justice.

  • Design, create, and implement digital and multimodal learning artifacts (such as digital stories, story maps, a domain of one’s own, or a digital portfolio) and reflect on processes of their design, construction, and assessment.

  • Critically examine digital technologies and practices to inform design processes and decisions that create equitable and inclusive digital learning experiences and meet the needs and interests of diverse learners.

  • Enact a humanized, learner-centered instructional design process that prioritizes people and practices above platforms and tools. Graduates will be able to apply critical digital literacy to guide the selection, design, and use of digital tools and practices in ways that promote student voice and agency in their learning.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Each course in the Digital Learning Program costs $850 per credit hour or $3,400 per course. Tuition includes all books, technology fees and other course-related costs. Please visit our financial aid page for more information. Employer partnerships that provide scholarship discounts for employees are available.

Total cost of Tuition

  • Digital Learning Graduate Certificate: $10,200
  • Master’s in Digital Learning: $34,000

Participant Profile

The master's in digital learning program is designed for recent graduates and professionals in both formal and informal instructional fields including educators, practitioners, technologists, librarians, faculty developers, leaders, policymakers, and others working to improve access to and equity in educational opportunities through the ethical integration of digital technologies. It is for students who want to launch a career in digital learning design or current professionals seeking to advance in their field. There may be pathways for enrolled undergraduates to take courses in the program and to work towards the certification or degree before graduation. Students should hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, submit unofficial transcripts, a statement of their personal goals as related to the program, and a resume.

Possible career pathways served by the program include:

  • Instructional/Learning Designer
  • Director of Digital Learning Initiatives
  • Faculty Development Specialist
  • Staff Development / Human Resources Training
  • Instructional Technology Specialist
  • Student Support Services
  • Curriculum Developer
  • Community Educator/Organizer

Are you ready to get started? Schedule an advising meeting today!

Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies

Faculty Profiles

Muhlenberg’s faculty personify intellectual excellence and are devoted to teaching and opening doors for each individual student.

Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies

School of Graduate Studies

Address Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104