Mercy Field Day Returns to Muhlenberg College

Stations and mats were set up in the John Deitrich Field House, but this was no ordinary indoor practice for the Muhlenberg College track & field teams.

For the second straight year, the Mules hosted a field day for students at the Mercy School for Special Learning.

Based in Allentown, Mercy School for Special Learning provides all children and young adults with special needs the best opportunity to reach their utmost potential, both academically and in life.

For two hours in the morning, the Mercy students rotated through five stations and played games with the Muhlenberg students: soccer, hot potato, obstacle course, parachute and kickball.

After a break for lunch, the fun continued with a snowball fight and snowman building contest. The special day concluded with an awards ceremony.

“It’s nice to be able to give them a day full of fun and good memories,” said event co-coordinator Victoria Cabellos, who called Mercy Field Day a highlight of the season for the teams. “Last year we talked about it for the whole semester. I’ve been excited for this all winter break, and I know other people have been too.”

For the other coordinator, Zach Lill, the day had additional significance. “My cousin was born with autism, so I’ve done a lot of work in the past with kids with autism. I know how much of an impact it has on them. They really love it, and it’s really meaningful to me too.”

“We love doing it. After the day we’re all exhausted because everybody’s having so much fun.”